

A cloze test (also cloze eletion test) is an exercise, test, or assessment consisting of a portion of text with certain words removed, where the participant is asked to replace the missing words. Cloze tests require the ability to understand context and vocabulary in order to identify the correct words or type of words that belong in the deleted passages of a text. This exercise is commonly administered for the assessment of native and second language learning and instruction.

Tweets about cloze

  • RT @moekasai5806: これまじでもらえたww 明日までだよ!! 【クリスマス速報】 iTunesギフトがタダでもらえるサービスがガチだった件www →
  • @santosnatan_ Ai fiu só cloze iú ai nau is a fos fil
  • Who r your cloze frnds in mpss — marilyn may hazy ronald rachel eva yu ting
  • Am guin forward . . . Aimin fr watz up ther not and nt juc cloze to me or nt which i cn reach fr ,lets work xtra hard fr a gud life
  • @cloze_QH pain from watching stream video 😪 😪
  • @cloze_QH mesti ade pnye
  • @cloze_QH laa yeke..yg pntg aq dah dl semua laaa heheheh
  • @cloze_QH aq byk aq dl kt kbs pnye channell..sakit hati gak stream je jln
  • @cloze_QH okay dah tgk..ljoe snyum memanjang
  • @cloze_QH alah. valid lah tu hiks kbye :P
  • @cloze_QH hmm aku malu la nak kirim slm kt abg sedara kau ;) HAHAHAH gurau. iyelah.
  • @cloze_QH ohh jpgi upload la tu tgh dl
  • @cloze_QH kau balik ahad kan? area kau tak banjir ke?
  • @cloze_QH alhamdulillah tak mereput. aku ada je kerja kena buat ni. haha. aku sleepover bilik org leww *emoji pakai spek hitam*
  • @cloze_QH tak ke mana. aku stay utp. nasib melaka ok. risau jugak aku. diorang stay rumah.
  • @cloze_QH tukar negeri apa ni? tak faham...
  • @cloze_QH ???
  • @nadiafzli @cloze_QH yeayytt...dahhhh
  • @cloze_QH @afiqa216 my ho ho hoy romeo ngeh3
  • @cloze_QH @afiqa216 infinite haha jyeahhh
  • @cloze_QH okayyy
  • @nadiafzli @cloze_QH skg 3 org pkai kot...lpas tu ke
  • @cloze_QH @afiqa216 suara baekhyun kuat
  • @afiqa216 @cloze_QH haah yola sini mne ade tv
  • @nadiafzli @cloze_QH siyesss t..korg tgok online ke ..sbb tb xkua lg
  • @afiqa216 @cloze_QH exo kai perform dance seram dia tu
  • @cloze_QH tpi tgok lain..
  • @cloze_QH ommooo...hmmm....nk tgokkk
  • @cloze_QH @nadiafzli exo bila???T_T
  • LA Style DOPEにもWSR CD & DVD入荷してます。他にも気になるアイテムザックザク!『【DOPE CLOZE..KILLAFORNIA..NIPSEYアート..DJ COUZ】入荷!』 ⇒
  • #Cloze, une #appli qui fait le tri dans nos réseaux sociaux et hiérarchise les #posts en fonction de nos contacts
  • "CLOZE PRACTICE" Primary 1 Harga : Rp 74.300 Silahkan Hub : 021 56947489/ 021 26279996 Email : Fb : littlebo...
  • "CLOZE PRACTICE" Primary 2 Harga : Rp 74.300 Silahkan Hub : 021 56947489/ 021 26279996 Email : Fb : littlebo...
  • "CLOZE PRACTICE" Primary 3 Harga : Rp 79.700 Silahkan Hub : 021 56947489/ 021 26279996 Email : Fb : littlebo...
  • "CLOZE PRACTICE" Primary 4 Harga : Rp 79.700 Silahkan Hub : 021 56947489/ 021 26279996 Email : Fb : littlebo...
  • "CLOZE PRACTICE" Primary 5 Harga : Rp 93.200 Silahkan Hub : 021 56947489/ 021 26279996 Email : Fb : littlebo...
  • "CLOZE PRACTICE" Primary 6 Harga : Rp 93.200 Silahkan Hub : 021 56947489/ 021 26279996 Email : Fb : littlebo...
  • お仕事終わり。今日が仕事納め。 今年は四月から七月までがホントに苦しかった。もし今のところを紹介してもらえなかったらと思うと…もうね。でも、今の仕事場に行けたおかげでまた新しいお仕事もさせてもらえるようになって充実した1年間でした。来年も残留できたらいいな
  • @kuromaku455 ふええぇ。どうするか考え中。
  • @delta_cloze うちも通信制限かかってるから見れない
  • @kuromaku455 せいふらって入場料金いくらなん?HP、通信規制かかってて繋がりにくくて…
  • Tu aaja mere cloze. Milta na mauqa rozz. I want you my baby. Mujhe dede love doze~~
  • @LikhinBms @iniPurwokerto @KotaAjibarang @Ruswanto65 @AntoBms @RyanaCbg @zjda03 @faristia818 @IwanKrg @cagur_item lewih" nk di Cloze yoh? :)
  • RT @frenchweb: [Bon App’] Cloze fait le tri dans les réseaux sociaux
  • "CLOZE PRACTICE" Primary 1 Harga : Rp 74.300 Silahkan Hub : 021 56947489/ 021 26279996 Email :...
  • "CLOZE PRACTICE" Primary 2 Harga : Rp 74.300 Silahkan Hub : 021 56947489/ 021 26279996 Email :...
  • "CLOZE PRACTICE" Primary 3 Harga : Rp 79.700 Silahkan Hub : 021 56947489/ 021 26279996 Email :...
  • "CLOZE PRACTICE" Primary 4 Harga : Rp 79.700 Silahkan Hub : 021 56947489/ 021 26279996 Email :...
  • "CLOZE PRACTICE" Primary 5 Harga : Rp 93.200 Silahkan Hub : 021 56947489/ 021 26279996 Email :...
  • "CLOZE PRACTICE" Primary 6 Harga : Rp 93.200 Silahkan Hub : 021 56947489/ 021 26279996 Email :...