coalition government


A coalition government, or coalition cabinet, is a cabinet of a parliamentary government in which several parties cooperate. The usual reason given for this arrangement is that no party on its own can achieve a majority in the parliament. A coalition government might also be create in a time of national difficulty or crisis, for example during wartime, to give a government the high degree of perceived political legitimacy it desires whilst also playing a role in diminishing internal political strife. In such times, parties have formed all-party coalitions (national unity governments, grand coalitions). If a coalition collapses a confidence vote is held or a motion of no confidence is taken.

Trivia about coalition government

  • This type of government is formed by members of competing parties since neither has a majority

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Tweets about coalition government

  • RT @Wraithaz: Resist the Coalition government's sick agenda: March Australia, August 30 & 31. #auspol #ozcot
  • RT @kabulii: “@afghantoday: The pros and cons of a coalition government #AfghanElections
  • “@afghantoday: The pros and cons of a coalition government #AfghanElections
  • RT @OmSamad: "@afghantoday: pros & cons of a coalition government #AfghanElections Risks w/ …
  • The Coalition Government tell us we're all in this together but their expense sheets tell us a very different story
  • Ukraine Coalition Government Collapses as 2 Parties Quit
  • RT @FriendsofPutin: Ukraine's coalition government collapsed after Yatsenyuk probed to be unable to push IMF/EU-imposed "reforms" down depu…
  • Parliamentary elections will only occur if the Ukrainian Rada fails to forge a new coalition government in the next 30 days
  • @_matthewalder_ @raaachelmartin the coalition government.
  • #IntlOrganizations Collapse of Kiev Coalition Government, NATO Envisages Military Intervention in East Ukraine...
  • Collapse of Kiev Coalition Government, NATO Envisages Military Intervention in East Ukraine
  • @MarkRutte2 I hope you do not have the US war-fever.
  • Collapse of Kiev Coalition Government, NATO Envisages Military Intervention in East Ukraine via @grtvnews
  • RT @stevecairns1971: @CZMartin07 @LobbyComm @xraypat imagine if we ended up with a Tory/UKIP coalition government next year #ThingsCanOnlyG…