

In meicine, a coma (from the Greek κῶμα koma, meaning deep sleep) is a profound state of unconsciousness. A comatose patient cannot be awakened, fails to respond normally to pain or light, does not have sleep-wake cycles, and does not take voluntary actions. Coma may result from a variety of conditions, including intoxication, metabolic abnormalities, central nervous system diseases, acute neurologic injuries such as stroke, and hypoxia. It may also be deliberately induced by pharmaceutical agents in order to preserve higher brain function following another form of brain trauma, or to save the patient from extreme pain during healing of injuries or diseases. A coma may also result from immense head trauma caused by something like a car accident or a series of very severe concussions. The underlying cause of the coma is bilateral damage to the Reticular formation of the midbrain, which is important in regulating sleep.

Trivia about coma

  • From the Greek word for "deep sleep", it's a deep, prolonged unconsciousness
  • The name of this condition comes from the Greek for "deep sleep"
  • Sadly for Tom Selleck fans, Genevieve Bujold didn't solve the mystery before he lapsed into this
  • Michael Crichton directed & wrote the screenplay for this medical thriller based on a Robin Cook novel
  • Term for a prolonged state of deep unconsciousness; it comes from the Greek for "deep sleep"
  • It comes from the Greek meaning "deep sleep", but it's deeper than that
  • This cloudy atmosphere containing the nucleus of a comet may reach a diameter of 1 million miles
  • Robin Cook cooked up the story for this '78 thriller; Michael Crichton directed it

Tweets about coma

  • Caesar salad - mit einem ganzen Cäsar
  • わたしの今日の運勢です 恋愛運 ★★☆☆☆ 金運 ★★★☆☆ 健康運 ★★★☆☆ 仕事運 ★★★★☆ お茶の日。トクホじゃなくてもいいのでお茶飲もう。体調万全。加藤茶での代用不可  ラッキーアイテム 『ミニノート』→
  • @EsNoticiasPop @MundoDCuriosos Es coma la niña que nadie quiere y no sabe que hacer para llamar la atención. PA TE TI CA por donde la mires.
  • crl q fome cara! #askharmonizer" me coma" pera q vo ali falar com a ana.." ana me traiu hj então foda se" oxe kkk
  • RT @Aqueletesao: meu corpo confunde cochilo rápido com coma profundo
  • RT @gchkuroko_bot: 紫原君…?そうですね、人としてはむしろ好きですし観賞物としてはむしろ大好きです
  • meu corpo confunde cochilo rápido com coma profundo
  • @__Brandoo Lol you be in a coma or some ? & you dont be snappin me & where you work ?
  • o afonso vai tirar a rita do coma :s #obeijodoescorpião
  • Me tengonque sentar al lado del plato para que baloo coma. Esto no puede seguir así... 🐶🐕
  • Que no sólo coma el que roba sino al que le han robado sin cuenta haberse dado. Que la oportunidad sea plural no selectiva.
  • Como un niño pequeño, recuerdo tu dulce aroma; sufrio mi corazon y por tu culpa ahora esta en coma...
  • RT @Mike_Recchia: This food coma is real
  • Rodrigo tá em coma
  • queria entrar em coma e acordar daqui uns anos, eu não teria problemas e talvez nem me lembraria de nada
  • AHS football player wakes from coma. Mom talks to KRBC about his recovery.
  • RT @acabouacensura: meu corpo confunde cochilo rápido com coma profundo
  • crl q fome cara! #askharmonizer" me coma" pera q vo ali falar com a ana.." ana me traiu hj então foda se
  • Miren que también hay un montón de gente que no se murió ni está en coma a la que pueden expresarle su afecto.
  • icarly should have ended by her waking up from a coma and drake and josh calling her megan
  • quando o niall faz isso eu entro em delirio e depois em coma
  • Me dan dos opciones para comer, elijo una y me dicen que coma la otra, mierda es lo que voy a comer :)
  • Since school is starting soon I'm gonna spend the rest of the week in a coma
  • RT @DiariodeMorelos: Hoy, Gustavo @Cerati llega a los 55 años de edad y continua en estado de coma... ||
  • "El arte no entra en coma, es eternidad"
  • Food coma bro! 😂
  • RT @natijota: #FelizCumpleañosCerati, vivo para siempre porque el arte no entra en coma, es eternidad, y por eso, también, los artistas. Be…
  • 내란 선동은 했지만 구체적 실제가 없으므로 내란음모는 아니라는 것! 이 애모호한 판결에 제일 충격을 받을 곳은 청와대일 것이다. 법원이 "RO는 실체가 없다."고 판결함으로써 현재 진행중인 위헌정당해산청구에 상당한 영향을 미칠것이기 때문이다 -coma
  • Ya 55 años :'c #FelizCumpleanosCerati y en coma 4 mierda .-
  • Coma mucha de la que ya sabemos más bien-,-
  • RT @TwalRa: Why is it that Western politicians only see the light when they are out of office but are in a coma when they are in the driver…
  • Me and Ylana are just gonna drink ourselves into a coma😊😊😊😊😊
  • "If I was in a coma, I would just wake up to slap you." -Chelsi Ermer
  • Raja sweets coma
  • @cchitot7 coma mierda jajaja y en que campus estás?
  • si un árbol se cae y nadie lo escucha ¿hace ruido? Si alguien esta en coma por mucho tiempo ¿sigue vivo? #FelizCumpleañosBUNBURY
  • Quien dijo que las canciones viejas no era buenas.
  • "Vaya coma mierda" como filosofía de mi vida.
  • @Fengxii @ByronicM Was it one where you played as a silhouette woman and she was in a coma or something?
  • Diego meu primo tenho fé você vai sair do coma
  • RT @Nicoliheinig: Vontade de entrar em coma
  • e se o velhote morrer? q coma um cagalhao
  • Derperte de mi estado en coma
  • RT @denunciou: Se eu for colocar meu sono em dia, eu entro em coma.
  • Un momento mas sin caimanear o sin hacer nada y entro en coma.
  • @RocioTinture no que no se la coma !! Muy light ...
  • "Mae compra halls soft pra mim" "ta mas nao coma tudo de uma vez" "ta" kkkkkkkkkkkk sabe de nd
  • RT @michaelsweeknd: hey guys, I'm back! sorry I was away for so long I was in a coma but I'm fine now :)