comic code


The Comics Coe Authority (CCA) is part of the Comics Magazine Association of America (CMAA), and was created to regulate the content of comic books in the United States. Member publishers submit comic books to the CCA, which screens them for conformance to its Comics Code, and authorizes the use of their seal on the cover if the books comply. At the height of its influence, it was a de facto censor for the U.S. comic book industry.

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Tweets about comic code

  • Free digital comic code coming your way in a sec.
  • Fredric Wertham and the Comic Code Authority Making Comic Books Safe for Kids!!
  • Does anyone want a Bravest Warriors digital comic code?
  • I'm starting comic code giveaway as soon as kids are in bed and my mouth is no longer swollen from the atomic wings I ate @quakersteak
  • Fredric Wertham and the Comic Code Authority Making Comic Books Safe for Kids!! | Me, Myself,...
  • RT @javiercaster: @bustox La primera portada sin el comic code.
  • @bustox La primera portada sin el comic code.
  • @ar_ramirez I could give you the digital comic code if you want it. Cause I have one thorough four.
  • I will trade All-new X-men 22 code for any comic code I don't have #marvelshare
  • Congrats @Mumbles_74! You're the Hulk comic code award winner. Look for a DM soon. Didnt win? Stick around, have contests often.
  • @CiscoPg @influx_clothing I would keep the original logo and comic code though if that's ok:)
  • @XGssortsed @chafos so that they wouldn't have to censor them to be kid friendly because of the Comic Code
  • @chafos It's a division of DC Comics It was created during the Comic Code Authority as a graphic novel/ Mature comics offshoot
  • Disney Digital Comic Code Swap?
  • Part of me wants to blame the comic code but I also understand why it needed some self policing, but seriously still feelin aftershocks
  • RT @comiXology: Our final 45 cent comic code is up at Go see what it is! #sdcc
  • Our final 45 cent comic code is up at Go see what it is! #sdcc