commedia dell'arte


Commeia dell'Arte (Italian: "play of professional artists") is a form of improvisational theatre that began in Italy in the 16th century and held its popularity through the 18th century, although it is still performed today. Performances were unscripted, held outside, and used few props. They were free to watch, funded by donations. A troupe consisted of ten people: eight men and two women. Outside Italy the form was also known as "Italian Comedy".

Trivia about commedia dell'arte

  • In 15th century, Italian scholars saw commedia Erudita, nobles saw commedia intermezzi, & commoners, this
  • In the 1500s the Gelosi troupe became famous for performing this Italian form of improvised comedy
  • Harlequin & Columbine were characters in this form of theater popular in Italy in the 17th century
  • This 17th century form of Italian popular theater was marked by stock characters & familiar plots

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