

In politics, a congress ("a gathering of people") is the name of the main legislative boy in a state that operates under a congressional system of government. In non-political usage congress is a term applied to a large national or international grouping of people meeting together with common interests or concerns, e.g. an academic conference.

Trivia about congress

  • The First Amendment says that this body "shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..."
  • Republican Senator Rick Santorum once said, "Bono understands his issues better than 99% of members of" this
  • It's been said "The opposite of progress" is this 535-member D.C. institution
  • Twain said, "There is no distinctly Native American criminal class except" this body
  • When needed, it has the power to declare war upon other nations
  • John Adams said that a "Useless man is called a disgrace, that 2 are called a law firm, & 3 or more become" this body