continental congress


The Continental Congress resulte from the American Revolution and was the de facto first national government of the United States. It was a provisional government without a legal basis and was completely dependent on the colonies for political direction, funding and other resources. It comprised two successive bodies of representatives of provinces of the Thirteen Colonies in 18th century British North America. The colonies all became states in 1776 when they rejected colonial status:

Trivia about continental congress

  • Henry Laurens, Thomas Mifflin & Richard Henry Lee were presidents of this body that only lasted for about 15 years
  • It met for the first time in at Carpenter's Hall in Philadelphia on September 5, 1774
  • Benjamin Harrison was a member of the first one of these bodies that met for the first time in 1774
  • The second of these legislatures drew up the Articles of Confederation
  • In 1775 Hancock replaced Peyton Randolph as the president of this body
  • Carpenters' Hall in Philadelphia was the meeting place for this delegation in 1774
  • From 1777 to 1779 George Frost of New Hampshire was a delegate to the second edition of this legislative body
  • On September 5, 1774 Virginia's Peyton Randolph was unanimously elected the first president of this body

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