convergent evolution


In evolutionary biology, convergent evolution is the process whereby organisms that are not monophyletic (not closely relate) independently evolve similar traits as a result of having to adapt to ecological niches or similar environments. The opposite of convergent evolution is divergent evolution, whereby related species evolve different traits. On a molecular level, this can happen due to random mutation unrelated to adaptive changes; see long branch attraction.

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Tweets about convergent evolution

  • Convergent evolution: New fins evolve repeatedly in teleost fishes
  • @nijhuism @jfleck Convergent evolution: it's a good thing!
  • Stick Charts and Woven Branch Maps - convergent evolution in design? on magpie&whiskeyjack
  • @maximaxoo It's more likely aliens would look like us than any other form we imagine. That's why convergent evolution happens on Earth.
  • RT @shahil: Convergent evolution
  • Caffeine - So Nice, It Evolved Twice! Cream, sugar and convergent evolution. … #food #science #evolution #coffee
  • .@AndroidAstro @Baldscientist @paulorrj great article about convergent evolution on cosmic scale comments are good 2
  • RT @tobadzistsini: What if neanderthals were marsupial, just convergent evolution like wolves and thylacines.
  • What if neanderthals were marsupial, just convergent evolution like wolves and thylacines.
  • @io9 convergent evolution. the requirements of sapience require certain traits. bilateral symmetry bipdelism binocular vision/hearing
  • . @ProfAbelMendez Universality of physical laws, evolutionary success strategies and convergent evolution. Plus sheer sample size.
  • Convergent evolution
  • I think the convergent evolution nature of blogging and the internet sometimes gets confused with the intractability of FreeDarko.
  • RT @JacquelynGill: @WhySharksMatter Whackadoodleness is showing evidence of convergent evolution.
  • @WhySharksMatter Whackadoodleness is showing evidence of convergent evolution.
  • Why do the Asari look like mammals anyway? Do the Reapers explain convergent evolution? #me3
  • @JasonPwnface @Umdlye @JagexStu @ChaosLupusRS @RuneScape PErfect example of convergent evolution :3
  • convergent evolution for people who started from different places and are motivated by different things, but end up in the same place