cop hater


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Tweets about cop hater

  • RT @MLK_USA: He called me a cop hater for wanting a review board for #stl police and he ♥ @MayorSlay @RexSinquefield #p2 #moleg
  • @TylerPerry #iflovingyouiswrong RU a cop hater? As a dispatcher married to a cop I am more then offended by your show. #horrible, #stupid.
  • He called me a cop hater for wanting a review board for #stl police and he ♥ @MayorSlay @RexSinquefield #p2 #moleg
  • #PATrooperShooter ~> Che Guevara + Soviet Red Army + Cop Hater + Survivalist = RWNJ??? lolz #pjnet #tcot #ccot #p2
  • RT @CriFiLover: "The City in these pages is imaginary" The prologue to every 87th Precinct mystery. Here's the first one -
  • #PATrooperShooter ~> Che Guevara + Soviet Red Army + Cop Hater + Survivalist = RWNJ??? lolz #pjnet #tcot #ccot #p2
  • "The City in these pages is imaginary" The prologue to every 87th Precinct mystery. Here's the first one -
  • @C4Mac I'm no cop hater but Naperville cops really are the worst. Downtown specifically.
  • That cop hater FORGOT to add the fact that all the cops did was detain her simply because that is protocol when they get a call saying
  • @PELNYC she's a fibber and a cop hater. Peace out