cost basis


This article is part of a series on Taxation

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Tweets about cost basis

  • #Job #Omaha Operations Manager - Tax/Cost Basis: Omaha Brokerage Operations Manager, Tax/Cost Basis. Responsib...
  • Pawing through #G7 #impinv reports. UK's unit cost database provides a cost basis for prevention of negative outcomes
  • Learn how to calculate your cost basis to maximize your tax loss harvesting: #taxes #investing
  • @smadhura @blueboxjesse @gigabarb @metacloudinc @bluebox Disagree on cost. AWS/GCP have lowest cost basis due to scale, arch, buying power.
  • @Stephanie_Link must be buying TWTR big today?? Below 9-8-14 AAP note's low of $51.68 & below cost basis. Assume restrictions lifted right?
  • @LIZJNYshow what last caller is missing is that she probably has reduced cost basis drastically on Jan puts, prob 2 nil
  • Commented on StockTwits: Nope. My WMGI is holding up well comparative to Friday fills - avg. cost basis 21.19. Sn...
  • @ChiAhmadine this strategy you basically buy long calls & sell short ones and hopefully get cost basis down to $0 over 18 months
  • Please see my answer on @Avvo to: How is cost basis tracked when liquidating shares from two trusts--by ter...
  • “Mexico now has lower avg. mfg. costs than China on a unit-cost basis.” ~ BCG #US #Mexico #Manufacturing
  • RT @zzlangerhans: Sold 50 $GNFT.PA at 47.29 for zzporte profit of €1112, still have 300 shares cost basis 25.05 @portefeuillefun
  • Sold 50 $GNFT.PA at 47.29 for zzporte profit of €1112, still have 300 shares cost basis 25.05 @portefeuillefun
  • #Nutrition #Fit The skinny on IRS cost basis reporting #MTVEMA #WeightLoss