cough up blood


Hemoptysis or haemoptysis (see American an British spelling differences) is the expectoration (coughing up) of blood or of blood-stained sputum from the bronchi, larynx, trachea, or lungs (e.g. in tuberculosis or other respiratory infections).

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Tweets about cough up blood

  • @nyanroh32 how do you cough up blood cuz u have a cut..
  • I'm coughing so hard I'm probably gonna cough up blood lol
  • Cough up blood and stand up to everyone, but never do it out of rage.
  • @EminemLyricsUK i would cough up blood from laughter😂😂😂
  • The fact that I have to go to school tomorrow after this lovely thanksgiving vacation actually makes me wanna cough up blood...
  • I want you to choke on your Adam's apple and cough up blood
  • I'm only getting sicker, I hate my dumb life. I hope I don't cough up blood again.
  • It's not good if you cough up blood is it?
  • going to cough up blood on your sandwiches today yummy💞
  • @BlueLightinFist -The impact of the kick to her stomach caused her to cough up blood-
  • RT @CatchleenOVO: Whats it mean wen ya cough up blood clots after a heavy drinkin sesh 😢 #notplayinanymore @caoimhe_coleman
  • @branteflores I'm glad you can find humor in my SHATTERED HEART THAT'S NOW LYING ALL OVER MY FLOOR WHILE I COUGH UP BLOOD AND ok im done now
  • Whats it mean wen ya cough up blood clots after a heavy drinkin sesh 😢 #notplayinanymore @caoimhe_coleman
  • scream hallelujah till you cough up blood
  • I just want to scream at the top of my lungs until I cough up blood
  • Feel like I'm about to cough up blood 😩
  • @MorbidArtistry --skin apart, slamming my fists down on their face and chest, making them cough up blood*
  • Ivan's bout to cough up blood
  • I'm so excited for this tofu salad I'm gonna cough up blood
  • Ran so much today I can cough up blood at any minute
  • The thought of Florida State winning this game makes me want to cough up blood... GO GATORS
  • *starts to cough up blood*
  • You know you're in for a bad day when you cough up blood.
  • @ciel_guarddog "It's tuberculosis. Pneumonia wouldn't cause him to cough up blood." He tells Ciel as Alois falls asleep on Ciel.
  • Oh my god I'm probably going to cough up blood
  • You know it was a solid night when you cough up blood in the morning. Am I right?!
  • @DeanBitchWinch as she struggles to breath, she clicks her fingers and Charlie begins to cough up blood
  • @cxndydonuts You have to mention independence so he'll cough up blood and go away
  • drinking cups of tea till I cough up blood
  • idk i cough up blood and get nosebleeds a lot, i faint on elevators/escalators/stairs bc of elevation changes, i get awful head rushes almos
  • is it bad to cough up blood???
  • I feel as though I'm going to cough up blood.
  • Some people make me wanna cough up blood
  • I keep coughing omg. I feel like I'm a cough up blood next. Or puke — feeling sick
  • -- at me. On the contrary to fresh air filling my lungs, I cough up blood, and a vast amount of it. Air has been denied -- (@VileSalvation)
  • You know you're from hell when you cough up blood
  • @nicoleyoty Did you ever cough up blood before you had the surgery? I did one time.
  • I don't think it's normal to cough up blood 😷
  • "@EmilyBrawley1: migraine again, better not cough up blood this time."
  • Nothing like running through the Bay Concourse and feeling like you're gonna cough up blood to catch this train #commuterlife #RUCommuters
  • I want to cough up blood and take a selfie with it in my mouth.
  • @FoxytheCute @EQG_Rivernight @AtFreddys how about all 3 of us hold him down and let him cough up blood on the floor! That'll be wonderful!
  • could it be that this would be the day the day I cough up blood cOULD IT BE
  • ➭➭➭ ❝I love you Adam Milligan. . With every thing I do have plus more.❞『Sam began to cough up blood, turning his head ➭➭➭ @PrisonerofCages
  • Everytime i cough, my chest hurts, and i feel like im going to cough up blood - awful is an understatement right
  • So out of breath I feel like I'm gonna cough up blood😶
  • Swear I Feel Like Ima Cough Up Blood
  • Love how as soon as I get in bed my chest starts hurting and I cough up blood👍