creation science


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Tweets about creation science

  • RT @AtheistCenter: 3X more happening in Creation Science this week compared to last week.
  • @Krusader5 By the 'creation science community', hardly a surprise. 'Creation science' is an oxymoron btw. @TakeThatDarwin @Capeheritjamie
  • @DanThaWildMan @DanTheBookman1 @johnroodt @Unv76 @Rzecco Geological Column chart
  • Today In Creation Science #TICS In legal trouble? God can legally dismiss your case!
  • Today In Creation Science #TICS Why does Bill Nye get credibility and Ken Ham gets noe?
  • Today In Creation Science #TICS Who is raising kids who can't think? Sciency people!
  • @AynRand_is_Dead @CommieZombies @DanTheBookman1 @the_roncarey @big1john I would question a Creation Science blog's statements on evolution.
  • @RSlover108 creation science isn't science. read proper books.
  • I f**cking love creation science! #atheist #kirkcameron #creationism
  • See some more complete examinations of the history & @DanTheBookman1 @lee_evans999
  • Today In Creation Science #TICA Noah’s Ark- overgrown houseboat? Or is it bigger than is possible to build with wood
  • You can't have Christianity without The Christ of Creation Science nor Creation Science without The...
  • Today In Creation Science #TICS Joseph O Morrow says, "I'm in touch with the Foundation of humanity, and you accuse me of having opinions!"
  • Today In Creation Science #TICS Does Starlight Prove the Universe Is Old? NO! The speed of light changes.
  • RT @AtomicD_: This week in creation science, via @hemantmehta #thefriendlyatheist
  • This week in creation science, via @hemantmehta #thefriendlyatheist
  • Today In Creation Science #TICS Science has no absolute proof of the origin of life, so God did it.
  • RT @creationnews: #Evolution & influence on #bible translations #creation #science -ShaneC
  • @BristersBlister @TakeThatDarwin @lyonsnyc @ArtturiArtturi Must-see vid on new & exciting work in Creation science!
  • RT @HawaiianTater: @Ah_Science You'd have to be a Neanderthal to believe anything Creation Science has to offer. @Atheist_Knight
  • RT @Ah_Science: Today In Creation Science #TICS The Star of Bethlehem was a super nova that was recorded by no astronomers.…
  • Today In Creation Science #TICS The Star of Bethlehem was a super nova that was recorded by no astronomers.
  • Today In Creation Science #TICS Carbon 14 dating doesn't work because we don't understand it!
  • @Ah_Science You'd have to be a Neanderthal to believe anything Creation Science has to offer. @Atheist_Knight
  • Today In Creation Science #TICS Neanderthals are descendants of Adam and Eve
  • #Evolution & influence on #bible translations #creation #science -ShaneC
  • Internet echo chambers where people of essentially like mind play spirited games of  "Tastes Great!" "Less Filling!
  • I suggested that the government may be going overboard in prosecuting Kent Hovind for mail fraud.
  • Kent Hovind And Creation Science Evangelism - How Not To Run A Ministry via @forbes
  • If there was any doubt that creation science and intelligent design are NOT science at all, this should clinch it.
  • Today In Creation Science #TICS Ken Ham says "Don't worry about asteroids hitting the earth."
  • Today In Creation Science #TICS Mercury' magnetic field proves creation. Don't know why.
  • Today In Creation Science #TICS Animals are Smarter than Scientists! So why don't they go to heaven?
  • Creation and Science, a Match Made in Heaven? #Biblestudy #creation
  • Amazing, isn't it? #creation #science #atheist #think
  • Online Fundraiser for the owner of Dinosaur & Creation Science museum in Florida. #Pray4KentHovind Let's get him home
  • RT @DanThaWildMan: It is the source word for your preferred word. @CTMQ if you want an answer then read.
  • If there was any doubt that creation science... #politics
  • If there was any doubt that creation science... #creationism
  • It is the source word for your preferred word. @CTMQ if you want an answer then read.
  • the oxymoron of the day: "creation science"
  • 3X more happening in Creation Science this week compared to last week.
  • RT @GailSimone: My Creation Science Museum has an awesome bit about how Larry King is no more than 6000 years old.
  • RT @GailSimone: My creation science museum teaches all kinds of knowledge, except physics, because screw those sinners.
  • Creation science:1...the science guy:0 #smart #wellthoughtout #brains #boygenius #billnye #jk
  • RT @GailSimone: My creation science museum is going to have no transitional species on the snack bar menu.
  • Norfolk #Creation #Science #Seminar Pre-(Over)View #ChapmanCreationMissions #Bible #evolution #Darwin
  • Creation of the Universe 4977 BC - News - - #creation #science #astronomy
  • @Prophecy_YEC @MYirrell @stephenhblack @PeterLaBarbera So, is creation science?