deep fried twinkies


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Tweets about deep fried twinkies

  • @grantlandis at the Texas state fair they have deep fried Twinkies and ice cream and Oreos
  • @grantlandis how about those deep fried twinkies 😶😖
  • @grantlandis do u like deep fried twinkies
  • Deep fried Twinkies too 🔥🔥
  • Craving deep fried twinkies
  • Immediately regret getting buy one get one free deep fried twinkies
  • Protest is warranted. No more deep fried Twinkies. # unicorn #injustice
  • digo que amo el agua mineral, me desahucian por fallo de riñón y cáncer. @Soylo_ sube una foto de deep fried twinkies, le dicen que rico.
  • Deep fried Twinkies? Deep fried Oreos? They can deep fry anything. I wonder if they can deep fry pizza... or Mountain Dew.
  • @AceofSpadesHQ Michael Moore: I'm not interested in deep fried Twinkies.
  • @ChilledChaos bacon wrapped deep fried twinkies
  • I'm so excited to go to the state fair not for deep fried Twinkies or free milk, but to get a cute outfit for my knock off build a bear.
  • @Lucahjin Deep fried twinkies!
  • @___daddy_____ yeah I love the deep fried twinkies & snickers. 😍
  • deep fried twinkies exist I repeat DEEP FRIED TWINKIES EXIST
  • So of course they had the fan favorite… deep fried twinkies. Shit looked like a corn dog
  • Soñe contigo @yatelochavez y con deep fried twinkies jaja te mando besos tronados de Precious #HayQueGordearPronto #AlborotaAlGallinero
  • It turns out deep-fried twinkies are delicious.
  • RT @ratlouis: ” I . WANT . DEEP . FRIED . TWINKIES . NOW . “