delete screen


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Tweets about delete screen

  • @SieraAhmad mohon delete screen cap tu plissss~ hehehheh
  • I dont delete screen shots
  • @KJS407 go ahead and pull up the delete screen, your only saving grace is we might lose 25-21
  • 🍹🐸 RT @IEsoFab: She deleted those tweets? Can't delete screen shots n mentions😆
  • RT @IEsoFab: She deleted those tweets? Can't delete screen shots n mentions😆
  • She deleted those tweets? Can't delete screen shots n mentions😆
  • "@Tweet_Delete {screen_name} the follow. visit our blog via
  • @favrojp did you change name? Delete screen shot grab of photo? Why?
  • "Can I borrow your phone?" "Hold on, let me google a funny theme, save a bunch of pictures, screencap the delete screen, and tweet the pic."