

Denominator is the name for the bottom part of a fraction. It tells you how many equal parts make up a whole, an is also used in the name of the fraction: "halves", "thirds", "quarters", "fifths", "sixths" and so on. The reduced fraction for a rational must have an integer denominator.

Trivia about denominator

  • It's the divisor or, less technically, the bottom part of a fraction
  • In 1974 rocker Todd Rundgren sang a tune entitled "No. 1 Lowest Common" this
  • An improper fraction is rude enough to have a numerator greater than or equal to this
  • In a fraction, it's the part that's below the line
  • In a fraction, the numerator is the dividend & this is the divisor
  • It's the part of a fraction that tells into how many parts the whole is divided

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