developmental disability


Developmental isability is a term used to describe life-long disabilities attributable to mental and/or physical or combination of mental and physical impairments, manifested prior to age twenty-two. The term is used most commonly in the United States to refer to disabilities affecting daily functioning in three or more of the following areas:

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Tweets about developmental disability

  • Developmental Disability Professionals
  • RT @_MichaelCrawley: When people with developmental #disabilities enjoy complete #inclusion, we add #dignity and #respect to society. http:…
  • RT @22Q11_Ireland: DS22q11.2 is the most commonly occurring microdeletion syndrome known in humans and a common genetic cause of developmen…
  • @sabrina_megan actually its a developmental disability but it should just be looked at as what makes them unique not disabled
  • When people with developmental #disabilities enjoy complete #inclusion, we add #dignity and #respect to society.
  • developmental disability yes I must remember that phrase!
  • .@polyamoryagenda neuroatypical is anyone with a mental illness/developmental disability, and allistic is not autistic