diet diary


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  • マメグラフ・伊右衛門氏の日記: 【脳の求めるモノと、体の求めるモノとの間に差があるんですね(´-`)。 これが減量を難しくする1つの要件だと思っています。 ここのズレが大きいほど、僕らは欲求に悩まされる訳です。】 #dietjp
  • I think my diet diary is better than my fitness it doesn't expect me to know all the calories and look more motivating.
  • Beauty,Diet,Diaryなど不定期更新!おっさんJKのevery day!
  • one week into my diet diary... shocked at what crap I actually consume!
  • @BenCoomber I was at my parents and they were watching it! What annoyed me was the fact that we didn't see his diet diary for that month.
  • RT @NotoriousBeep: I follow your "wellness program" workout diet diary on Instagram the least you can do is fav one of my tweets.
  • I follow your "wellness program" workout diet diary on Instagram the least you can do is fav one of my tweets.
  • @Peacefullythin my diet diary
  • why people use Facebook as some form of diet diary is beyond me
  • Low Carb Diet Diary Day 4: This sucks
  • у меня diet@diary
  • fitness diet diary day 6: No headaches:-), 4 lbs down :-) treated myself to a protein bar for a snack this afternoon. It works!
  • マメグラフ・伊右衛門氏のエントリー: 【「太らず痩せすぎもない状況」を作る「習慣」がどこかに確実にあります。 習慣をそこに上手くスライドさせれば、その帰結として理想が手に入る筈です (´-`)。】 #dietjp
  • Food and Exercise Journal 2014: Never Give Up (Tiffany Blue My Diet Diary)
  • Using a diet diary is a great way to increase #mindfulness around eating.
  • Dinner Diet diary. A slice of carrots, potato, and 1 medium slice of skinless chicken. #day2…
  • Walau sakit ...😟 , diet tetap harus berlanjut😞 #apple #breakfast #diet #diary #lebay #ngepost #terus 😂😃😵