

Diphtheria (Greek διφθερα (iphthera) — “pair of leather scrolls") is an upper respiratory tract illness characterized by sore throat, low fever, and an adherent membrane (a pseudomembrane) on the tonsils, pharynx, and/or nasal cavity. A milder form of diphtheria can be restricted to the skin. It is caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae, an aerobic Gram-positive bacterium.

Trivia about diptheria

  • Without using a "diph"stick, the Schick test can tell if you've had a close shave with this disease
  • In 1913 Bela Schick developed a skin test for this disease, not for shaving

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Tweets about diptheria

  • @pennygeer to different sets of parents that their son had contracted diptheria from kissing, and more, a beautiful French girl who had been
  • @pennygeer explained the facts of life to her, he realised was diptheria!! She was terrified of going into hospital and I was allowed to
  • Imam in UK preaches that Christian groups went into Africa and gave #diptheria #YellowFever & #aids to the Africans.
  • @MSorrinni it's all of those and diptheria!
  • Diptheria at New Brighton.
  • @i_Wedo جدا الفرق .. Clostriduim is gram + bacilli وهي غير هوائية ابدا أما ال C.diptheria لها اشكال متنوعه ومختلفه وهي هوائية
  • @RonPaulson3 In the 20s,13K people died from diptheria yearly.In 2002, there was 1 case of diphtheria in the United States. #vaccineswork