distended stomach


Tweets about distended stomach

  • Binged on Mexican food. Distended stomach. Hard as a rock. Still thinks there's room for second dessert. #FoodBabyTwins #StapleMyMouthShut
  • how to lose distended stomach? =.='
  • @Melaina25 dont have a curry, bubs ended up in hospital, distended stomach and waiking all night in discomfort #lessonlearned
  • tertarik buat ngolah badan 'lagi'. niatnya udah ada, tinggal waktunya deh. Hi Sexy and Bye Distended Stomach! ^^
  • @MinisaTully -- Catelyn moved closer, cradling her distended stomach. "Neatly done mama." The knife moved gracefully dividing, cutting --
  • My shepherd has bloat, is in surgery. If your dog gets a distended stomach head to the vet immediately!
  • Shrink the Distended Stomach with the Natural Way
  • @DaleLipan distended stomach. Not keeping anything down. Staying at the vets.