divine proportion


In mathematics an the arts, two quantities are in the golden ratio if the ratio between the sum of those quantities and the larger one is the same as the ratio between the larger one and the smaller. The golden ratio is approximately 1.6180339887.

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  • See great truth on how the Divine Proportion also known as Golden Ratio, and Fibonacci sequence all fits within...
  • Phi! The golden ratio, or as many mathematicians like to call it: the divine proportion... It is a number represented by the greek letter
  • I liked a @YouTube video GOLDEN SECTION Φ PHI RATIO 1.618+ Divine Proportion, Sacred Geometry
  • Nakakakilabot yung Divine Proportion. Wtf. Hahahaha.
  • See great truth on how the Divine Proportion also known as Golden Ratio, and Fibonacci sequence all fits within ...
  • RT @PissedtoBlissed: Divine Proportion in our Human tools of Creation! That's pretty handy... #FibonacciFriday @PNauticExpress
  • Leaving One Matrix "Why all must claim their Divine Proportion"
  • The Explosion of Liberty, the Law of Squares and the Divine Proportion
  • Leonardo da Vinci, Salvator Mundi and the Divine Proportion: via @YouTube
  • The Divine Proportion The Golden Ratio Phi = 1.6180339887...
  • All is in divine proportion.
  • Divine proportion.
  • Bonjour l'ami @JeanDornac bâtisseurs et la Divine Proportion: 1,618033988 --->
  • Natuto ako ng divine proportion sa humanities
  • Fibonacci Sequence in nature, did this happen by chance like many claim the Big Bang did, or someone caused it?
  • Mad World - Birth Certs and Divine Proportion with Peter Eugene: via @YouTube
  • The real question is why everyone's obsessed with PI and not with PHI. I MEAN ITS THE DIVINE PROPORTION REALLY PEOPLE #math #phi
  • Did you know Divine Proportion is a ratio found in nature that gives us the beautiful patterns of the petals on...
  • "Claiming The Divine Proportion"
  • this NY based designer is inspired by organic and industrial shapes, ancient mythologies, divine proportion and...
  • 1.168 the divine proportion