dizzy spells


Tweets about dizzy spells

  • @3rdEYEloy I used to get dizzy spells, and hear a little ring the voice of a angel telling me my name
  • 12:30am "Dizzy Spells" by Hemophiliac
  • Dizzy spells sucks
  • Dizzy spells :'(
  • Dizzy spells, go away plz
  • I keep getting dizzy spells and blacking out and Im not down
  • I've been having dizzy spells all week
  • Dizzy spells I wish you would go away you have over stayed your welcome today
  • RT @__Johnaya: I be getting dizzy spells I hate it๐Ÿ˜ฃ
  • I be getting dizzy spells I hate it๐Ÿ˜ฃ
  • Wtf is up with me and these dizzy spells wtf
  • I hate when I catch dizzy spells especially while walking
  • Well for some reason no chest pressure, regular gas, an actual turd n i got a short nap today. Following insane dizzy spells n heart rate.
  • I've been having shallow breathing & dizzy spells all day. Woke up even worse
  • โ€œ@Touchy_Philly: Bri gonna be having random dizzy spells like me if she keep playingโ€ girl I fell over the fries at work. Still not eating.
  • Bri gonna be having random dizzy spells like me if she keep playing
  • Pounding headache and near constant dizzy spells... There was a while there where I couldn't stand or anything...
  • RT @heather__12: what is the need for me to take dizzy spells every 30 seconds but โœŠ
  • Dizzy spells ๐Ÿ˜ž
  • what is the need for me to take dizzy spells every 30 seconds but โœŠ
  • I took an ecstasy tablet - called a gold bar - at tomorrowland, and today I am getting dizzy spells. Do you think Iโ€™ll be ok?
  • i like when i can tell i put a song on a playlist while not present because no fitz and the dizzy spells wouldnt be a good choice for this.
  • Yeah so after a day of dizzy spells and pains in my head i can confirm i am the person who concussed herself by walking into a wall.
  • i also think something else is wrong with me besides what i already have.. i've been getting really bad headaches & dizzy spells that last
  • # I 've had low bp which causes dizzy spells and broncitus. :( I 'll be ok.
  • @i_fxck_grls keep having dizzy spells and my tummy hurts
  • I don't know where i'm going this weekend.I know i had dizzy spells after Clacton,probably going thru theTimeTunnel did it!!
  • Why am I having so many dizzy spells today? I'm drinking a ton of water.. ๐Ÿ˜โ“
  • Keep having really weird dizzy spells๐Ÿ˜ฑ
  • @evamacalpi @mad_lov @phycoinsc @PookieMacalpi r u sure evil Stevie didn't hav something 2 do w/your dizzy spells!? U KNOW he has "powers"!
  • These dizzy spells!Why??Can't even concentrate.Thank god for Goose,Gonna lay down and listen to her wonderful music. @lucyhale
  • get the worst dizzy spells ever lately holy mackerel
  • head is spinning like crazy. Need to get out of bed to eat, but can't get out of bed because dizzy spells
  • RT @davidregwood: @MichelePiskol could explain the dizzy spells...Thanks
  • I've got some serious dizzy spells today
  • @MichelePiskol could explain the dizzy spells...Thanks
  • sigh, been having dizzy spells since morning and i wanna sleep so badly but i can't bc i have to do up a speech outline for tmr's consult );
  • I thought I could do karate this month, but I am going to wait another month due to some dizzy spells and lack of energy. #toomuchgoodstuff
  • When i shower I faint atleast once I loose my breathe for 30 secs I get dizzy spells All i ever see is white I hate having showers ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ”ซ
  • The dizzy spells are unreal!๐Ÿ˜ฉ
  • @evamacalpi @Peaches1999 @mad_lov @PookieMacalpi. Oh Eva! So glad you're better! You take care of yourself, OK? No more dizzy spells!
  • Wow talk about feeling crap hot sweats and dizzy spells hate when I'm not well
  • Work is full of dizzy spells, I better forcefeed myself
  • How was I feeling, was I having any dizzy spells, was I eating. My replies were quick and to the point, I just wanted to get this over. >
  • Dizzy spells...what is?!!
  • Tired of getting these random dizzy spells :(
  • Dizzy spells last week, agonising chest pains this week. Is my body just slowly shutting down?
  • #TweetSomethingYouGetAlot Dizzy spells when I walk too far.. Because again, I'm lazy... And fat.
  • chest pains dizzy spells ...wtf is going on?
  • I'm having dizzy spells like crazy I'm about to sleep this off.