

Technical rawing , also known as drafting, is the "art and practice of creating accurate representations of objects for technical, architectural and engineering needs." This definition includes the various fields and technologies underpinning electronics, which has in turn revolutionized the art with new tools in the form of Computer Aided Design. A practitioner of the craft is known as a draftsman, (or draughtsman in the UK), and recently, "drafter". In some fields, particularly electronics, draftsmen are also known by the ambiguous "designer", who's job would be distinct and separate from the engineers specifying and working out the design details. In short, draftsman are communicators that are part of an engineering team charged with producing specialty documentation packaged as a design, which following the standards of the field, can be understood by others with the same training. Most technical fields, even those not generally considered as highly techical such as plumbing have their own conventions and practices—the symbols and shorthand notations that convey a lot of information in minimal space. All of these are specialized communications. The foundation of the modern computerized world is directly founded on the accurate scale drawings on synthetic vellums that enabled the integrated circuits and printed circuit boards that underly modern electronics, as discussed in the section below Before CAD. The development and progress of the industrial revolution on the whole depends on the art, usually taught and classed as one of the Industrial arts. Engineering and architectural students are introduced to the art, generally in freshman level courses.

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