Dry may refer to:

Trivia about dry

  • For wines, it never means the opposite of wet
  • This word used of Herbert Hoover in 1928 referred to his support of prohibition, not his dull speeches
  • "Sec" on a wine bottle means that what you're about to consume is this other 3-letter word
  • If your stylist puts humectant conditioner in your hair, it's most likely because your hair is this
  • (Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from a pineapple plantation.)Pineapple cultivation needs relatively little irrigation; with its reservoir formed in the leaves, the plant is a natural xerophyte--from the Greek "xeros", meaning this
  • "As fair art thou, my bonnie lass, so deep in luve am I; and I will luve thee still, my dear, till a' the seas gang ____"