dutch elm disease


Dutch elm isease (DED) is a fungal disease of elm trees which is spread by the elm bark beetle. Although believed to be originally native to Asia, it has been accidentally introduced into America and Europe, where it has devastated native populations of elms which had not had the opportunity to evolve resistance to the disease. The name Dutch elm disease refers to the identification of the disease in the 1920s in the Netherlands; the disease is not specific to the Dutch Elm hybrid

Trivia about dutch elm disease

  • This fungal tree infection, ceratocystis ulmi was 1st indentified in the Netherlands around 1919
  • The Chinese & Siberian elms are resistant to this fungal disease, but the American elm isn't
  • This tree disease is caused by a fungus, Ophiostoma ulmi, that is spread by 2 species of bark beetles
  • Rachel Brown & Elizabeth Hazen invented nystatin, an anitbiotic used on people & on this "Dutch" tree disease

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