edward teller


In 1945 <a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2001-09-18_DJ_12.jpg" target="_blank">this</a> Hungarian-born physicist helped construct the first atomic bomb

Trivia about edward teller

  • "The Father of the H-Bomb", "Dr. Strangelove"
  • This "Father of the H-bomb" helped found what is now the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
  • This scientist, a model for Dr. Strangelove, passed away in September at age 95
  • This Hungarian-American physicist was the principal architect of the hydrogen bomb
  • In 1962 this "Father of the Hydrogen Bomb" was given the Fermi Award for achievement in Atomic Energy
  • I was born in Budapest in 1908 & was instrumental in making possible the first U.S. hydrogen bomb

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