

U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce - Health Care

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Tweets about edworkforce.house.gov

  • Bonamici Introduces Bill to Support High-Quality Assessments in Schools
  • Miller: Guidance to Improve Education Services in Youth Correctional Facilities ‘Critical’
  • YOU have to see this: Obamacare Burden Tracker pdf. Please Retweet #PJNET
  • RT @EdWorkforce: #ObamaCare leaves Louisiana + New Jersey schools scrambling
  • RT @cherkies: Datamining: 75% districts don't tell parents that child’s data shared. Read CONGRESSIONAL Testimony #stopCommonCore
  • RT @TreeTreeTweeTs: YOU have to see this: Obamacare Burden Tracker pdf. Please Retweet #PJNET
  • A single “Walmart Supercenter” cost taxpayers about $1 million dollars a year in taxpayer subsidies for employees
  • Why do we need a #FightFor15? Why do we need a #BlackFridayStrike? Why do we need to support Organization United...