electric chair


Execution by electrocution (referre to as the Electric Chair) is an execution method in which the person being put to death is strapped to a specially built chair and electrocuted through electrodes placed on the body. This execution method has been used only in the United States and, for a period of several decades, in the Philippines (its first use there in 1924, last in 1976). The electric chair has become a symbol of the death penalty; however, its use is on a decline.

Trivia about electric chair

  • Julius & Ethel Rosenberg,1953
  • In 1890 William Kemmler was in the hot seat as he became the first criminal to die by this method
  • In 1891 Harris A. Smiler became the first person executed at Sing Sing by this method
  • Around 1890 Thomas Edison schemed to have this invention named after his rival George Westinghouse
  • Bruno Hauptmann, 1936
  • Dentist Alfred Southwick developed this device used in 1890 on a convict named William Kemmler