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Tweets about electricfence

  • RT @GallagherNA: Tumblewheels act as a rolling #fence post & allow ranchers to move #electricfence in a fraction of the time
  • Tumblewheels act as a rolling #fence post & allow ranchers to move #electricfence in a fraction of the time
  • Use an #electricfence voltmeter to check the voltage levels of your fence energizer. | @AgriSupplyUK
  • Pretty much ran a marathon trying to get horses that jumped the fence at the barn today.... At least they have scope #electricfence 🙈
  • MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough:... #borderfence #cohost #electricfence #governormittromney #mittromney #morningjoe #msnbc
  • White wall security. #electricfence #crimeinsouthafrica #security