elf owl


The Elf Owl (Micrathene whitneyi) is a member of the owl family Strigiae that breeds in the southwestern United States and Mexico. It is the world's second smallest owl, the first being a Pygmy owl. They are 5-12 inches tall and have a wingspan of 15-16 inches and short tails. Their primary projection extends nearly past their tail. They have fairly long legs and often appear bow-legged. They are 1-1.4 ounces.They can often be heard just after dusk or at sunset, calling to each other. Their call is a high pitched whinny or chuckle. The male and female dart around the trees and call back and forth.

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Tweets about elf owl

  • The world's smallest owl is the elf owl which weighs 1.5 ounces and is the size of a sparrow.#fact
  • @SpaceWizardBen I want you to draw me a tattoo of an Elf Owl in a cactus. Like this:
  • Elf Owl wooden sculpture cute wooden owl sculpture by TaesGallery https://t.co/xUu0oXVlz8