email attachment


An e-mail attachment (or email attachment) is a computer file which is sent along with an e-mail message. The file may be sent as a separate message, but now it is almost universally sent as part of the message to which it is attache. Attached messages may be sent in unencoded form, or encoded in a number of ways: base64, binhex, uuencoding, quoted-printable. In MIME, the standard Internet e-mail format, messages and their attachments are sent as a single multipart message, usually using base64 encoding for non-text attachments.

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Tweets about email attachment

  • Quest Diagnostics notifies employees of breach after email attachment error: #databreach
  • Quest Diagnostics notifies employees of breach after email attachment error #infosec
  • Quest Diagnostics notifies employees of breach after email attachment error
  • @GeorgeWHerbert @bmenrigh @swiftonsecurity Yeah but… EZ city to get Windows user to open email attachment—that's behind firewall.
  • Suspecious js file sent as email attachment #email
  • @sericana -completely understand! but a quick email attachment will solve it/put your mind at ease.. :-)
  • @KateElliottSFF @kimmacfarlane i have to reengineer my product in a way i can manually send an email attachment to activate in EU. Bonkers.
  • trojan horse email attachment income statement
  • I just got this as an email attachment. If I am physically capable, I will go. Let's hope Germantown comes out.
  • Never forget to send the #email attachment again!
  • change resolution on an email attachment
  • Notebook : For the sims 3 : The gift will be send via email or Y!M. Email = attachment Y!M = Send file direct to you
  • The easiest and best way to send us photos is a jpg as an email attachment. Send jpgs to
  • Majority of female @scottishlabour MSPs did not vote for Jim Murphy as leader @newsundayherald
  • Not having a secret ballot for Labour's MSPs & MPs will be an entertaining hostage to fortune. Loop de doo.
  • Johann Lamont voted for Neil Findlay 1st, Sarah Boyack 2nd, but totally snubbed Jim Murphy! @scottishlabour
  • @Josh_Wilding Didn't read the email attachment, but I saw the Andrew thing (I've been up to date). It's going to be incredibly sad to see-
  • The first email attachment, the beginning of modern file transfer: #Tech #Blog
  • The first email attachment, the beginning of modern file transfer: #TechTalk
  • I worked all day on an excel spreadsheet only for it to be too big for an email attachment 😡
  • I had to talk a secretary through opening an email attachment 😑 how do you function?
  • in 2015 we should all be able to send email attachment of more than 10 MB without having to worry #wishfulthinkin
  • #DataBagg solved the #email attachment problem. Check out our direct free #file share option: