empire carpet


Tweets about empire carpet

  • If you don't know the empire carpet or JG Wentworth jingle from the commercial . I don't trust you because you are a liar.
  • #CheaplyMadeMovies Empire Carpet of the Sun
  • When is someone going to edit the Cash, Jobs, and Hope meme to include the Empire Carpet guy?
  • @joshtempletv they are telling my three weeks to wait now. Boo- Empire carpet.
  • "We're not in the money business. We're in the empire business." CALL 1-800-588-2300 EMPIRE CARPET, TODAY
  • @CRStoli The Empire Carpet thing was pretty good. All her idea. I swear!
  • New York: An Empire Carpet State of Mind 588-2300 Empire!!! #NewStateMottos @midnight
  • Next week, Brie & Nikki are going to square off on Price Is Right and watch an Empire Carpet commercial together.