

Entropion is a meical condition in which the eyelids fold inward. It is very uncomfortable, as the eyelashes rub against the cornea constantly. Entropion is usually caused by genetic factors and may be congenital. Trachoma infection may cause scarring of the inner eyelid, which may cause entropion.

Tweets about entropion

  • Herida con un mal cuidado. #entropión #veterinary
  • Canine Entropion Surgery, "Mama" the homeless dog: via @YouTube
  • RT @BTiesi: Maggie had entropion surgery today. You can now see she has two beautiful eyes
  • Testing for Entropion Forced lid closure: Ask patient to tighten lid then open. In entropion, lid rolls inwards.
  • Epiphora (Excessive Tearing) Etiology • emotion, pain • environmental stressor • lid/lash malposition: ectropion, entropion, trichiasis
  • Thomas says, "Look! I can open my right eye just as big as my left eye!" His entropion surgery went great...
  • RT @rsmcicendo: Entropion = kondisi medis dimana kelopak mata (biasanya bagian bawah) melipat kedalam & menyebabkan iritasi mata. @digilibID
  • Entropion = kondisi medis dimana kelopak mata (biasanya bagian bawah) melipat kedalam. Entropion dapat menyebabkan iritasi mata. @digilibID