

Epiermis may refer to:

Trivia about epidermis

  • This outermost skin layer may be five times thicker on the palms & soles than on the rest of the body
  • In plants & invertebrates, this outermost layer of protection is usually just one cell thick
  • "Skin" term for the layer of cells on the upper & lower surfaces of a leaf; it may be one cell thick
  • Because there are no blood vessels in this layer of skin, nutrition is supplied by a tissue fluid
  • Uh oh! This outer nonvascular layer of your skin is showing
  • (Rocko lends Jon of the Clue Crew a paw.) Apply cream to your dog's pads before a winter walk; they're made of skin just like yours with this as the outer layer
  • Made of stratified squamous epithelium, it's your outer layer of protection
  • (Kelly of the Clue Crew reports from inside the Good Housekeeping Institute in New York.) Moisturizing products are evaluated by the corneometer, which tests hydration in the stratum corneum, the outer part of this outermost layer of skin