An era is a commonly use word for long period of time. When used in science, for example geology, eras denote clearly defined periods of time of arbitrary but well defined length, such as for example the Mesozoic era from 252 Ma–66 Ma, delimited by a start event and an end event. When used in social history, eras may for example denote a period of some monarch's reign. In colloquial language, eras denote longer spans of time, before and after which the practices or fashions change to a significant degree.

Trivia about era

  • On June 30, 1982 ratification for this Constitutional amendment was defeated
  • A division of geologic time
  • Cenozoic, for example
  • In geologic time one of these, shorter than an eon, is divided into periods & subdivided into epochs
  • We're in the holocene epoch of the quaternary period of the Cenozoic one of these