erythema multiforme


Erythema multiforme is a skin conition of unknown etiology, possibly mediated by deposition of immune complex ( mostly IgM ) in the superficial microvasculature of the skin and oral mucous membrane that usually follows an antecedent infection or drug exposure. It is a common disorder, with peak incidence in the second and third decades of life.

Tweets about erythema multiforme

  • RT @zishansays: Erythema Multiforme Major, probably secondary to Carbamazepine. "Central dusky violet discoloration." @ my clinic.
  • Erythema Multiforme Major, probably secondary to Carbamazepine. "Central dusky violet discoloration." @ my clinic.
  • Has anyone else had a pet who has suffered with a condition called Erythema Multiforme? Erythema Multiforme...
  • Streptococcus pharyngitis causes erythema nodosum NOT erythema multiforme.
  • #veterinarypathology #diagnosisoftheday apoptotic keratinocytes in canine skin - erythema multiforme #artinscience
  • My sad Pickle. She has Erythema multiforme,- which basically means her body is super excited to be rid…
  • Erythema Multiforme, Seborrheic Dermatitis, Exfoliative Dermatitis, Mycosis
  • Really happy to be here! Anyone else know what Erythema Multiforme is? I do now (for the last week). #spsm
  • RT @holisticvetUK: Clinical vignette: Kennel Cough Vaccination - a possible trigger for Erythema Multiforme (EM) disease -
  • Clinical vignette: Kennel Cough Vaccination - a possible trigger for Erythema Multiforme (EM) disease -
  • Steven-Johnson Syndrome: skin lesions of erythema multiforme, followed by inflammatory bullae of two or more mucous membranes
  • RT @UCIrvineEM: Erythema Multiforme (EM), Causes: Sulfa, Oral hypoglycemics, Anticonvulsants, Penicillin, NSAIDs (SOAPS).
  • Erythema Multiforme (EM), Causes: Sulfa, Oral hypoglycemics, Anticonvulsants, Penicillin, NSAIDs (SOAPS).
  • Tryptase , erythema multiforme, epoxide hydrolase, deamoplakin 1 & 2 -*-