

Expressionism is the tenency of an artist to distort reality for an emotional effect; it is a subjective art form. Expressionism is exhibited in many art forms, including painting, literature, theatre, film, architecture and music. The term often implies emotional angst. In a general sense, painters such as Matthias Grünewald and El Greco can be called expressionist, though in practice, the term is applied mainly to 20th century works.

Trivia about expressionism

  • This early 20th century German art movement tried to show subjective emotions
  • The curves of HUD's headquarters exemplify this architectural style that shares its name with Munch's emotive painting style
  • Otto Dix & max Beckmann were part of a 2006 show on German this -ism at Vienna's Leopold Museum
  • Munch was one of the pioneers of this art movement, using color & line in a highly personal style to convey emotion