

A facsimile (From Latin fac simile, "make like") is a copy or reprouction of an old book, manuscript, map, art print or other item of historical value that is as true-to-the-original source as possible using, normally, some form of photographic technique. They differ from other forms of reproduction by attempting to replicate the source as accurately as possible in terms of scale, colour, condition, and other material qualities. For books and manuscripts, this also entails a complete copy of all pages; hence an incomplete copy is known as a "partial facsimile". Facsimiles are used, for example, by scholars to research a source that they do not have access to otherwise and by museums and archives for museum and media preservation. Many are sold commercially.

Trivia about facsimile

  • This term for a copy or reproduction is from the Latin meaning "to make similar"
  • Send a fax & tell me it's short for this word
  • Next time you send a fax, remember "fax" comes from this longer word
  • From Latin for "make it similar", it's an exact copy or reproduction of a document
  • From the Latin for "make similar", it's an exact duplicate

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