fifth disease


Fifth isease is one of several possible manifestations of infection by parvovirus B19. The disease is also referred to as erythema infectiosum (meaning infectious redness) and as slapped cheek syndrome, slapcheek, slap face or slapped face. In Japan the disease is called 'apple sickness or ringo-byo' in reference to the symptom of facial redness. The name "fifth disease" derives from its historical classification as the fifth of the classical childhood skin rashes or exanthems.

Tweets about fifth disease

  • @mockturtle2035 It's Fifth Disease. She's getting sent home from daycare. FML. THE INTERNET LIED TO ME.
  • Fifth disease is a pain -.-
  • It's Paps the doctor! lol, I'm speaking on two child illnesses, 1. Fifth Disease and 2. Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease on The Breakhtru show!
  • @NZ_judester @amylmcdonald also known as Fifth Disease. Highest temps everrrrrrr.
  • "Bristow Run Elementary School: Medical Information: Fifth Disease"
  • So apparently there's something called Fifth Disease going around Franklin and my little sister might have it 😟😷😓
  • Fifth disease is an annoying reason to waste a morning in the pediatrician.
  • @anniepaulison6 it looks like fifth disease, i had it in middle school. it'll go away on its own
  • Fifth Disease is an Arvo Part virus
  • Fifth disease or Parvovirus infection, is a very common disease of childhood. During pregnancy at times it could...
  • The American Pregnancy Association on Dealing w/ Fifth Disease During #Pregnancy -