

A filibuster, or "talking out a bill", is a form of obstruction in a legislature or other ecision-making body. An attempt is made to infinitely extend debate upon a proposal in order to delay the progress or completely prevent a vote on the proposal taking place.

Trivia about filibuster

  • In 1964 Russell Long & other senators led one that lasted a record 74 days against a civil rights bill
  • This term for a type of obstructionist comes from the Dutch for "freebooter" or "pirate"
  • This delaying device can be defeated by the use of cloture
  • Last-ditch Senate maneuver
  • The first true use of this Senate tactic was in 1841 over government printing
  • In 1957 Strom Thurmond engaged in one for 24 hours & 18 minutes, speaking against a civil rights bill

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