

A fingerprint is an impression of the friction riges of all or any part of the finger. A friction ridge is a raised portion of the epidermis on the palmar (palm and fingers) or plantar (sole and toes) skin, consisting of one or more connected ridge units of friction ridge skin. These ridges are sometimes known as "dermal ridges" or "dermal papillae".

Trivia about fingerprint

  • The identification of the unique marks a gun leaves on a bullet is called "ballistic" this--no dusting required
  • The Chinese signed legal documents by affixing one of these, something criminals leave as a clue
  • Digital impression prized by crime-scene investigators
  • The autoradiograph seen here is called a genetic one of these, though it doesn't use whirls or loops
  • It's the more common term for a dactylogram

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