floating dock


A floating ock is a platform or ramp supported by pontoons. These are usually joined to the shore with a ramp that rests upon the dock on rollers, to adjust for the vertical movement of the dock. The dock is usually held in place by vertical poles embedded in the soil under the water or by anchored cables.

Tweets about floating dock

  • Don't let Bri push you off a floating dock or else this will happen
  • Lake = Happy Place. Floating dock = Happier Place @ Sasamat Lake
  • @lfoguth5 I'm comin for the floating dock😂
  • I'm a strong swimmer & I was still out of breath & tired from just swimming from the dock to the floating dock out in the lake 🏊
  • @gina_flores9 did y'all meet down at the floating dock?
  • @toscareno Kayak cardio session then squats and planks on the floating dock. You have to love #CottageWorkouts
  • Sitting on a toilet. On a floating dock. Wearing a life jacket. Barking like a dog. #ThingsYouCanDoWhenYouAreTwo
  • "@PSFK: Trending: Floating Dock Lets You Sit Atop Breaking Waves - PSFK
  • Always liked the idea of a floating dock but not quite what u had in mind. #howhighsthewatermomma…
  • There goes the floating dock. Job well done. #DNVGL #Sustainia #Pachauri
  • @DowntownJason keep it simple. Small tug boat that tows a floating dock/ barge cafe. Daily tours
  • @katiebakes I think a lot about that high dive and the satisfaction of swimming to that floating dock thing.
  • Just put the floating dock in the lake
  • we should we having wars on the floating dock in this rain rn #cottage
  • @PettyHrMiniAqua @mollybawntours caplin alongside our floating dock in Mobile!!
  • Getting closer to floating dock
  • Tanning on the floating dock for 2 hours produced a nice tan 👍🔥
  • I'm at a slip with a floating dock and lots of yachts
  • @GreenRoomTweak just wondering if the floating dock is still kicking it #rocksolid