Nematocera (inclues Eudiptera) Brachycera

Trivia about fly

  • No reptile today can truly do this; the pterodactyl could, but it's now extinct
  • House_________Horse__________Tsetse_________
  • Also called transvection, a witch may do it with the aid of a broomstick
  • Unlike most birds, ratites like the ostrich can't do this
  • Swans often do this in a "V" formation
  • At the end of the film, Norman thinks "They'll say, 'Why, she wouldn't even harm'" this insect
  • While penguins can't do this, they evolved from birds that could
  • (Hi, I'm Caroline Rhea) Like many modern witches, the Spellmans use an upright vacuum cleaner to do this, as well as to clean (not that we ever clean!)
  • A greenbottle is this type of insect
  • The movie monster played by David Hedison, Brett Halsey, Jeff Goldblum & Eric Stoltz
  • As the "avis" suggests, Argentavis' distinction was being able to do this, even at over 250 pounds
  • 1986:Jeff Goldblum
  • "God in his wisdom made" this insect "and then forgot to tell us why"
  • The nocturnal owl parrot, or kakapo, of New Zealand, is terrestrial, meaning unable to do this
  • Of fly, mate or eat, the activity butterflies can't do if their body temperature is below 86 degrees
  • The rare Kakapo parrot of New Zealand is distinct in being unable to do this
  • About 300,000 people in Africa suffer from sleeping sickness spread by the tsetse variety of this insect
  • Going back to the Bible, a minor problem that ruins something bigger is this insect "in the ointment"
  • (Oooooooklahoma! Where Sofia's standing on the set.) It's the term for raising or lowering scenery above the stage; it's also what Mary Martin did in "Peter Pan"
  • Slow-motion video shows this bug evading a swat in 250 milliseconds; for 240 of those, it's repositioning itself to jump

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