

Fox is a name applie to any of roughly 27 species of small to medium-sized canids, characterized by possessing a long, narrow snout, and a bushy tail, or "brush". By far the most common and widespread species of fox is the red fox (Vulpes vulpes), although various species are found on almost every continent. The presence of fox-like carnivores all over the globe has led to their appearance in the popular culture and folklore of many nations, tribes, and other cultural groups (see Foxes in culture).

Trivia about foxes

  • You might find a "skulk" of these animals near your henhouse
  • In 2002 Scotland banned hunting these with hounds that kill them; the dogs may only flush out the prey
  • The Song of Solomon 2:15 tells of these "little" critters "that spoil the vines"
  • In the Song of Solomon, "The little" ones of these "spoil the vines"