francisco goya


In the early 19th century, this Spaniard created a sensation with his "Majas" paintings, one clothed & one nude

Trivia about francisco goya

  • This Spaniard included Velazquez's "Las Meninas" in his "Family of Charles IV" seen here
  • The Prado boasts a fine portrait of 18th century artist Francisco Bayeu by this Spaniard, his brother-in-law
  • This Spaniard's brother-in-law, court painter Francisco Bayeu, helped him get commissions in the 1770s
  • "The Disasters of War" is a grim series of etchings that this Spaniard began in 1810
  • His portrait of the Duchess of Alba in a Maja costume is at NYC's Hispanic Society of America
  • You can see his "Majas on a Balcony" at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • This "Third of May" artist covered the walls of his country house in grotesque paintings
  • (VIDEO DAILY DOUBLE):Around 1800 this artist painted the 2 views of the woman seen here: