franz kafka


The Prague tombstone of this German-language writer who died in 1924 is inscribed in Hebrew

Trivia about franz kafka

  • He died in 1924 without completing "The Trial" & "The Castle"
  • This author of "The Metamorphosis" felt like "a miserable specimen" next to his powerful father
  • Max Brod befriended this budding writer while in college in Prague
  • Born July 3, 1883 in Prague, this author died after a "Trial" with TB in an Austrian sanitarium June 3, 1924
  • John Updike called this author's "The Metamorphosis" "An indubitable masterpiece"
  • 1915's "The Metamorphosis" is one of the best-known works by this Czech-born author
  • He died before "The Trial" was published, so he never got to see the opera version either
  • This Prague writer's "Hunger Artist" starves because "I couldn't find the food I liked"
  • In due process you can tell us his "Der Prozess" was metamorphosed into English as "The Trial"
  • Known for his short stories, this writer got a law degree from Charles University in 1906
  • Though this Czech was not known for humor, his 1927 comic novel was about a young European's life in "Amerika"
  • This writer's dad, Hermann, married Julie Lowy in 1882 & named their son after the Austro-Hungarian emperor
  • In "In the Penal Colony" by this Czech master, a torture device is finally used on its operator