frequent urination


In meicine, polyuria is a condition characterized by the passage of large volumes of urine (at least 2.5 L over 24 hours in adults).

Tweets about frequent urination

  • “Has anyone had problems with bladder tenderness or frequent urination problems since there c-section?” --->
  • RT @divephantom19: Frequent urination causes in men
  • RT @TealButterflie: #OvarianCancer symptoms T=Too frequent urination E=Eating & feeling full A=Abdomen bloating L=Lack of Energy #WOCD http…
  • @ferofax Just some medical jargon for frequent urination. :-p
  • EARLY SIGNS OF DIABETES: Frequent urination, Weight loss, Lack of energy, Excessive thirst. Take Your #Diabetes Test Today and Share It.
  • Pregnancy sleep problem: Frequent urination interferes with your sleep | BabyCenter via @BabyCenter
  • @Roy_Maj frequent urination is the struggle. #OopsIDidItAgain 👋
  • RT @divephantom19: Causes of frequent urination in men.
  • RT @TheFalcoholic: @falcfans @CaliDirtyBird @mikemcintosh7 @jeannathomas The man can make Ebola sound like frequent urination.
  • @falcfans @CaliDirtyBird @mikemcintosh7 @jeannathomas The man can make Ebola sound like frequent urination.
  • #TBT As far back as 1552BC, physicians recognized that frequent urination is a sign of diabetes.