

Fulcrum may refer to one of the following.

Trivia about fulcrum

  • It's the point or support on which a lever pivots
  • (Jon of the Clue Crew walks with crutches.) Crutches are an example of a simple lever; the tip of the crutch acts as this point on whcih a lever turns
  • (Sarah of the Clue Crew presses garlic.) A garlic press consists of two second-class levers, in which the handles provide the effort, the garlic is the load & the pivot point serves as this
  • The point about which a lever turns
  • (Kelly of the Clue Crew demonstrates.) The keys weigh much more than the paper clips and fall to the ground, but a pencil acts as this support, pulling the clips sideways, where gravity & friction stop the keys' descent

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