

Dikarya (inc. Deuteromycota)

Trivia about fungi

  • Mycology is the branch of biology that studies mushrooms, yeasts, molds, and other types of these
  • Mildews, smuts & morels belong to this group of organisms incapable of making their own food
  • Like mushrooms, molds belong to this group of organisms that lack chlorophyll
  • Spores are produced by green plants, bacteria & these, including yeasts, smuts & molds
  • Ascomycetes, the largest class in this kingdom, includes edible types like truffles
  • The 5-kingdom system is made up of animals, bacteria, plants, protists & these
  • Mycoses, like the lung disease aspergillosis, are caused by these parasitic organisms
  • Leaf cutter ants cut this, which they grow on masticated green leaves
  • Leaf-cutter ants cut leaves to use in underground gardens, where they grow these chlorophyll-lacking organisms