

The gallblader (or cholecyst, sometimes gall bladder) is a small organ whose function in the body is to harbor bile and aid in the digestive process.

Tweets about gallblader

  • Yesterday I had gallblader removal surgery, the worst thing was lo
  • noticed I had not been feeling well but I wasn't taking care of it a few months later I went to ER and was told I needed gallblader surgery
  • @dorasage How is life without a gallblader? Are you missing it? #gallbladder B)
  • RT @bskin4507: #tbt to when @PannellK thought it was a great idea to take me out in Laradise 4 days after I had gallblader surgery!
  • #tbt to when @PannellK thought it was a great idea to take me out in Laradise 4 days after I had gallblader surgery!
  • "but, you dont even have a gallblader" 😂😂😂
  • So I'm disqualified for the army not because of my heart surgery but because I got my gallblader taken out. #PissedOff
  • Please pray for my lola, Corazon Cortez' recovery. She's got a gallblader infection, vertigo and top of it all a high blood pressure.
  • Avicii cancelled the rest of his tour dates because his gallblader surgery went wrong and press is callin him a burnout smh
  • Cancer po..malignant yun tumor na nakuha sa gallblader ko six mos ago..then sante barley was introduce to i...
  • Just four days till my gallblader surgery.
  • If this isn't my gallblader, it's back to square 1 and more testing.
  • WARNING: GRAPHIC. The thing up the top was my gallblader full of stones. 1/2
  • I have no gallblader and my body hasn't caught up on that so my digestive system is all NYEEEEHH.