

Gangrene is a complication of necrosis (i.e., cell eath) characterized by the decay of body tissues, which become black and malodorous. It is caused by infection or ischemia, such as from thrombosis (blocked blood vessel). It is usually the result of critically insufficient blood supply (e.g., peripheral vascular disease) and is often associated with diabetes, and long-term smoking. This condition is most common in the lower extremities. The best treatment for gangrene is revascularization (i.e., restoration of blood flow) of the affected organ, which can reverse some of the effects of necrosis and allow healing. Other treatments include auto-amputation, debridement and local care, or surgical amputation. The method of treatment is generally determined depending on location of affected tissue and extent of tissue loss. Gangrene may appear as one effect of foot binding.

Trivia about gangrene

  • This is necrosis of soft tissue caused by obstructed circulation
  • It's the death or decay of body tissue due to injury or failure of the blood supply

Tweets about gangrene

  • RT @DrLindseyFitz: I'll be on a long-haul flight today - you'll have to do without images of syphilitic skulls and gangrene. I'm sure you'l…
  • RT @indignezvousbe: Le marché de l'éolien en France est gangrené par la corruption via @Reporterre
  • I'll be on a long-haul flight today - you'll have to do without images of syphilitic skulls and gangrene. I'm sure you'll cope ;-)
  • RT @kalzaf: En parlant avec un musulman il m'a avoué que la nouvelle generation du monde arabe est un danger pour l'humanité, gangrené par…
  • RT @yetiblog: Le marché de l'éolien en France est gangrené par la corruption via @Reporterre
  • @Soil_Itaire @jaxsail gangrène de Fournier, au moins.
  • Le marché de l'éolien en France est gangrené par la corruption via @Reporterre
  • Le marché de l'éolien en France est gangrené par la corruption | @scoopit #Environnnement #Ecologie #Energie
  • RT @CaderoMax: @lioubovnik85 @juppealain @NicolasSarkozy @bayrou Oui, et j'avoue je n'ai pas envie de faire dans la dentelle ,urgent d'exti…
  • @lioubovnik85 @juppealain @NicolasSarkozy @bayrou Oui, et j'avoue je n'ai pas envie de faire dans la dentelle ,urgent d'extirper la gangrène
  • j'ai été faire un prise de sang, et elle m'a piquée 4 fois avant de trouver ma veine; du coup j'ai un hématome on dirait la gangrène 😩😩💉
  • RT @ADecroissance: Le marché de l'éolien en France est gangrené par la corruption - Reporterre
  • gangrene gang always had that loud
  • @cnni @jasian12345 when a foot is eaten by gangrene&endangrs da whole body a wise doctor amputates it w/o hesitation.Apply dis on jihadists!
  • The Alchemist + Oh No (Gangrene) - 'The Sickness' Official Video: via @YouTube
  • Received great news today. I have officially defeated the gangrene and ulcer on the toe/foot. I was informed that...
  • 1 week til GANGRENE MACHINE + DUMB DOCTORS :: Tues, 9/9 #CHSMusic
  • When the hand has gangrene, you chop it off so the rest of the body doesn't die
  • @BillyCharlesNY oohhhhhh!!! That's how gangrene starts??
  • RT @VascularMD: PAD causes decreased blood flow to the legs. Symptoms include pain when walking #claudication, or pain at rest, ulcers, or …
  • RT @NYCVascular: PAD causes decreased blood flow to the legs. Symptoms include pain when walking #claudication, or pain at rest, ulcers, or…
  • PAD causes decreased blood flow to the legs. Symptoms include pain when walking #claudication, or pain at rest, ulcers, or gangrene #CLI
  • If you can't handle seeing pictures of gangrene or hear descriptions of how it feels, you may not be cut out for nursing.
  • RT @mediaRif: We are happy to announce the winners of the Audience Choice Awards for the Gangrene Film Fest: GA Session: I...
  • I Hate It! wins Audience Choice at the Gangrene Film Festival!
  • We won Audience Choice at The Gangrene Film Festival!
  • Told you I Hate It! had a great screening at The Gangrene Film Festival. We won Audience Choice!
  • We are happy to announce the winners of the Audience Choice Awards for the Gangrene Film Fest: GA Session: I...
  • RT @IdhemaxBeterfly: @Herissident @cmartyluso @BrunoRetailleau ce réjouir du bien que l'on fait au minorité aujourd'hui deviendra une une …
  • @Herissident @cmartyluso @BrunoRetailleau ce réjouir du bien que l'on fait au minorité aujourd'hui deviendra une une gangrène pour demain..
  • @SSamYDK id honesty rather have gangrene
  • RT @JobFaust: We have just gone live with our first @Kickstarter. New from Gangrene Games: "Shoot Your Friends".
  • We have just gone live with our first @Kickstarter. New from Gangrene Games: "Shoot Your Friends".
  • I liked a @YouTube video The Alchemist + Oh No (Gangrene) - Vodka & Ayahuasca (Official Music Video)
  • Gangrène.
  • My 10 yr old daughter says she has the plague, Ebola, gangrene in her right hand/arm and is allergic to the school bus. #nicetry
  • J'ai l'impression que ma blessure s'infecte, je vais choper la gangrène et mourir
  • Crowd Surfing invades The Gangrene Film Festival Esquivel.
  • @Anny690 @ex_potsdam_rda avec leurs drones les usa peuvent intervenir de manière ciblée! conclusion ils ne veulent pas éradiquer la gangrène
  • Derniers Exemplaires Disponibles!!!
  • @KayesPlays true. Besides most his games are mine as well... So like that would be "gangrene-rules"? Chop the arm to save the body, i guess
  • RT @AlbertDULAC: @pierrepaillet @lapie06 C'est trop tard ;la gangrène ou la peste est à la porte de Rome.